Wednesday, 2 October 2013

October Goals

I'm linking up again this month with Erica for her Monthly Goal Link Up! I love this link-up, it forces me to think about what I want to accomplish during the month, gives me something to blog about and I've gotten some great ideas for future goals from browsing other bloggers posts!

My main goals for last month were to blog, find a Girl Guide unit to volunteer with and complete a Bible study. I only blogged 9 times in September, which is pretty pitiful. I'm blaming my lack of blogging on computer troubles. I'm going to give myself a pass on Guiding, I did talk to a lot of people about it but right now I can't commit to a unit when I could be moving away. However, I am on the volunteer list for special events and last week I went to a Ranger meeting when a leader couldn't make it. I did join a Facebook Bible study group and the first 3 weeks were great but I started to fall off the wagon (it's hard to participate in an online study with computer problems!) there are still 3 weeks left so hopefully I can participate more and make up for the time I missed.

This month I actually took the time to make SMART goals. (SMART goals = Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time bound) 

Blog 15 times in October
Participate in 2 new Link-Ups/Blog Hops
Try 3 new recipes
Read 2 books

I'm excited about October. I have a few fun things planned and by the middle of the month I should know whether the organization I work for is going to get funding to make my position year round. If you could send some extra positive vibes & prayers that the funding will come through it would really be appreciated!



  1. I LOVE your goals!!! Especially that they are attainable and specific! I think the more specific you are (like using exact numbers) the better chance you have at achieving them and not making excuses! I have never tried an online bible study before but I think it would be fun! Let me know how it goes :)

    1. Thanks! I've discovered I need really specific numbers and times to get things done, if my goals are too vague I get lazy and do the bare minimum I can to justify crossing it off the list. This is the first time I've participated in one, there are definite pros & cons to it but for the most part it's been a good experience!
