Sunday, 14 September 2014

Sunday Social {119} & Blogtember

Favourite Scent: Boy, mixed with a hint of campfire and rain. For those of you who need a better visual the Crackling Woods soy candle from Target. 

Favourite Food: I love donairs. If you're not from the east cost of Canada then it's probably safe to assume you have no idea what that is, but trust me when I say you're missing out. I've been told it's similar to a gyro, but I've never had one of those so I can't verify that. If you ever find yourself on the East Coast getting a donair definitely needs to be a priority!

Honourable Mentions:  Ketchup Chips, Pizza, Chicken Nuggets, Chicken Caesar Salad, 

Favourite Sound: Rain! Especially in the summer and it's extra wonderful if there's thunder & lightning happening as well. 

Favourite Picture Currently on your Phone: I am really digging this photo I took of my Salted Caramel Mocha the other day. Truth be told I almost never delete photos off my phone so I have plenty to choose from but I narrowed it down to my favourite this week.

Best Memory of the Year: I was not prepared for this question! In the quest to choose a favourite picture on my phone I did come across this photo, which made me pretty happy because it captured a pretty awesome memory.

When it rains our camp parking lot turns into a small lake of sorts. I was having a bit of rough day and determined that the best way to relieve some stress was puddle jumping. And I may have went a little overboard and at one point found myself sitting in the puddle. I was hoping someone would join me but instead the director and a former staff member who happened to be volunteering that day stood in the doorway casually sipping their coffee and laughing at the ridiculous-ness. All while snapping pictures of course, which found their way onto the camp instagram with a bunch of silly/fun hashtags. And I'm happy to report that I did feel a lot less stressed after the puddle jumping!

Bonus Question for Blog-TemberWhen did you start blogging and why?
I started blogging eons ago. Back in junior high I had an xanga, then in high school I moved on to Livejournal, during university I dabbled with Tumblr and about two years ago I dove into the "real world" of blogging with Grace & Galoshes. I've always blogged because I like writing and in the beginning it was a great way to stay in touch with friends, which is ironic now since I'm pretty firmly set in the blogging closet.



  1. hahaha I love the puddle pictures. Definitely looks like something that I would do. Also, that salted caramel mocha looks AMAZING!!

  2. LOVE your puddle photos!!!!! Go you!!! My favourite smell is the earth after rain!!!

  3. Playing in the rain is always a good photo and memory :)

    ~ Lu

  4. Funny pics of you puddle jumping but I also think, brrrr! I've never had a donair, but your caramel coffee thing looks scrumptious! Happy Sunday Social!

  5. Oh man! My house is full of those great smelling Target candles. I love playing in the rain, it's so fun! I also like eating gyro's, now I want one. Yum! I hope your having a great weekend.
