Saturday 10 August 2013

The Days Come Easy and the Moments Pass Slow

In an attempt to keep up with my blog 3 times a week goal I've set a timer for fifteen minutes to write a quick post even though today has been one of the most ridiculous days at camp all summer.

In the last 24 hours I've found out that a major program isn't going to happen this week because somebody backed out at the last minute which left me searching Kijiji for alternative special guests that are equally as exciting and equally as free. So far no luck, but it's still on my to do list. Ten minutes before boating was supposed it happen it started pouring rain...and then thundering. This morning right before swim was about to happen the guy who cleans the pool showed up to do that...all things that need solutions now. At the same time cabin lists need to be made for next week and there are campers on a waiting list for next week that we need to contact.


Okay so I started writing this yesterday and then things happened and I got way distracted with camper issues and then by the time I had a chance to get back to it I was ready to eat cookies and spend some quality time with some people who in a few weeks I won't have the pleasure of seeing everyday. So, for the sake of argument, my defence is that aside from blogging three times a week I also really want to focus on 'being in the moment', and last night I was most definitely in the moment. Last night after campers had gone to bed counsellors who weren't sleeping in the cabin just sat around a table in the dining hall and chatted and laughed until late. 

I've realized that my two goals are pretty contradicting of each other, it's hard to be in the moment when I'm also supposed to be in front of a computer blogging! But everything is about balance and I'm slowly figuring out how to make it all happen!

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