Friday, 2 May 2014

Five Exciting Things

Just when I'm starting to feel like I'm getting back into the swing & routine of blogging May happens. And May = Camp. Which is extremely exciting for a whole lot of reasons! And kind of a downer because camp is not conductive to blogging.

I have the best intentions of blogging two or three times a week during the summer. Realistically I know that might not happen. Especially for the first week or so before the internet is set up. And the week or so after that during staff training…Basically what I'm saying is if I disappear off the face of the blogosphere over the next few weeks I'll be back. At some point.

In an effort to end the week on a good note and start the weekend off on the right foot my Five on Friday is dedicated to five things I'm looking forward to over the next few days. Many of which earn lots of High Fives for Friday!

I was sitting at my desk this morning pondering what to make for supper. (I like to think at least two meals ahead.) And I realized that's it's Friday, it's been a chaotic week. I've earned a treat. What I'm saying is I see a Wendy's drive-thru detour on my way home from work. #noshame


On my schedule for this weekend is the ultimate in Girls' Night activities! Backstreet Boys concert! I was never a huge BSB fan back in the day (Spice Girls were my fave) but I do remember thinking Nick Carter was totally cute. There are six of us going to the concert and I'm really excited about it! We've had tickets for a while but it seemed so far way, I can't believe it's happening this weekend. 


This gelato is the most delicious thing I have ever eaten. It was totally an impulse buy. I ran to the grocery story for yogurt & granola bars and came out with this container of pure awesome. I am way more a salty/savoury person than I am sweet so I am all over this whole salted caramel trend that is all over the place. 

I'm working with Erin from Love, Fun & Football and she's designing me the most perfect layout ever to exist in Blogland. I am so excited! I assure you there will be an entire post about how great it was to work with Erin and how happy I am with the design!

I can't believe there are less than 2 weeks until I move to camp! My to-do lists (plural) are miles long but 90% of the things on those lists are what I would classify as fun things. Getting supplies ready, finding new games, packing, making warm-fuzzy envelopes for the staff. Things that I can easily (and happily) do in the evenings while watching TV. 



  1. so many things going on. And odd that they are having a concert or even back together. sucks other bands from way back when can't do that.

  2. Awwww BSB shows are best with a group of girls; have fun!!!

  3. I am going to BSB in June! Have fun!!!!

  4. i saw BSB waaaaaay back in the day when they were relevant ie. really popular (LOL) but i would love to see them again! same with nsync :) if it's anything like their show back then, you're going to have a great time!

    Vodka and Soda
