Thursday, 6 April 2017

April Life 2017

It seems like I blinked and March happened. In some ways that's a good thing because I keep telling myself that these months will be the hardest and once I'm over the initial hump things will be better. In other ways I feel like I'm no closer to that plateau than I was the beginning of March. 

Personal Life// In some ways this has gotten better. I've never been someone who makes instant friends and it's not something I'm particularly good at doing. At the end of two months I think I've at least identified some people who might be on my wave length. I'm also in the office full time now and have free evenings four nights a week instead of two. That should help balance my need for introvert time with the necessity of making some local friends. This past weekend I went to visit R. & H. and it was lovely to spend time with them. 

Hobbies// I didn't make any time for Project Life in March and barely took any photos. I didn't even pick a word of the week or decorate my planner during the second half of March. I know I need to change that for April because it's not sustainable and I can't let my entire life be consumed by work. (Especially when I don't particularly love my job.) 

Career// I'm only two months in so I'm hesitate to make any sweeping statements but I'm not sure I see myself here long term. I'm confident that I will complete my current contract and there will be lots of great moments along the way. I have doubts about my ability to be happy here long term. If I'm going to take on a job like this that doesn't really end when I leave the office at the end of the day I need to absolutely love what I'm doing. On a more positive note I'm so very thankful that I'm still close to family and relatively close to H. & R. there are no required plane trips to access anyone. Maybe that part should have went with personal but it also fits with career. 

Spirituality// I stopped reading Savor because I was frustrated with all the references to husbands and children. As I mentioned above, I also neglected to choose a word of the week for half of March. I did still add something to my journal every night, some nights it was a few sentences and others a few pages, which is exactly the expectation I set for myself at the beginning of the year. I think my current level of stress is preventing me from engaging in any sort of real spiritual practices. Which is terrible but I'm just telling it like it is. 

Health// I still never missed a lunch break. Which is a culture shift I am incredibly grateful for, if it's getting a little late and we're all still at our desks someone will take the lead and remind everyone it's time to eat. This is a huge culture shift from most, if not all, other paces I've worked and it's a welcome change. I've noticed that the stress and anxiety are starting to impact my appetite but I'm trying to keep it in check and make sure that I'm not skipping meals altogether, although I've also been guilty of that a few times. 

Goals// I'm not sure what I want to accomplish in April. I know that I need to make time for hobbies and manage my stress better. 

Linking up with Gretch & Kristen!